You’ve got to be yolking! Eggsellent fun for little ones

You’ve got to be yolking! Eggsellent fun for little ones

A series of eggsellent jokes for the whole family to enjoy.


What day do eggs hate most?

What did Snow White call her chicken?
Egg white.

How do eggs leave the highway?
By going through the eggs-it.

How do comedians like their eggs?
Funny side up!

How do monsters like their eggs?

What do chickens call a school test?

What did the eggs do when the light turned green?
They egg-celerated!

How did the egg get up the mountain?
It scrambled up!

What do you call an egg taking a snooze on the job?

Who wrote the book, Great Eggspectations?
Charles Chickens!

Why can't you tease egg whites?
Because they can't take a yolk!

Why did the egg go to school?
To get "egg-u-cated"!

Why is the chef so mean?
She beats the eggs!

Why did the chicken lay her egg on an axe?
She wanted to hachet

Why do chickens lay eggs?
Because if they dropped them they would break!

What did the egg say to the clown?
You crack me up!

What sport are the eggs good at?

What did the mommy egg say to the baby egg?
You're "Egg-stra special".

What does the chicken say to get across a busy street?
EGGS-cuse me please!

What grows on yolk trees?

What is an eggs favourite tree?
A y-oak tree!

How do chickens pay for their groceries?
Using the eggs-press line.

Where do you find information about eggs?
In the hen-cyclopedia!

Who tells the best egg jokes?

What do you call an egg that goes on safari?
An eggs-plorer!

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?
Just one, because then your stomach won't be empty.

How do you know if it's too hot in the chicken barn?
The chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs.

How do baby chickens dance?

What do you call a mischievious egg?
A practical yolker.

What do you get when you cross a chicken with a martian?
An eggs-traterrestrial!

What do you call a city of 20 million eggs?
New Yolk City!

What do you call a handyman who lives on a farm?
An egg-chanic.

How can you drop an egg six feet without breaking it?
By dropping it seven feet – it won’t break for the first six.

Why did the chicken cross the playground?
To get to the other slide!

Why did the chicken cross the internet?
To get to the other site!

Where do tough chickens come from?
(Hard-boiled eggs!)