Modern Slavery Policy

The Modern Slavery Act came into being in 2015 to counter slavery and trafficking. Section 54 of the new legislation attempts to address this issue by requiring large employers with a turnover of at least £36 million a year within the UK to publish a Modern Slavery Statement for each financial year. This statement must outline the measures and the commitment the company has taken to tackle modern slavery.

Ellis Eggs is a very small company that does not come into this category, however due to requests by customers this policy assists customers who are required to provide a statement.

Modern slavery encompasses slavery, forced and compulsory labour, and human trafficking whereby individuals are exploited for commercial gain as enacted in the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Ellis Eggs fully commits to understanding modern slavery risks and has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and ensures there is no modern slavery occurring within the business or in any of our supply chains. Ellis Eggs expects the same high standards from all contractors and suppliers to Ellis Eggs. Ellis Eggs acknowledges there is a slight risk that a supply chain may involve the use of a hidden or unknown subcontractor reliant on forced labour.

Ellis Eggs is an egg packing and distribution centre. The business currently employs 27 people this includes the Directors, Packing Centre Manager, Administrative staff, drivers and shop floor staff.

Management has the responsibility to prevent, detect and report modern slavery in any part of its business or supply chain.

The business has 10 secured sites in Wales that supplies Ellis Eggs with Free Range Eggs for the purpose of packing and distribution. Ellis Eggs only operates within the UK and does not import or export outside of the UK. The secured sites are audited by APHA and BEIC (British Egg Industry Council) as well as having an annual visit from Ellis Eggs. Should APHA or BEIC suspect there is an issue with Modern Slavery they have a duty of care to make a referral.

There are no high risks of slavery or human trafficking within Ellis Eggs. All staff employed are recruited through the local Job Centre, they all provide personal details including National Insurance number and tax codes. Due to the nature of the business Ellis Eggs recruits local people. Ellis Eggs does not employ staff through Recruitment Services.

Due to the size of the business there are only 4 members of staff within Ellis Eggs who perform interviews, interviews are always held by 2 members of staff. Potential employees are expected to provide CV’s and 2 references and are always recruited through the Job Centre.

The 4 members of staff who perform interviews have had basic training in Modern Slavery, they are aware what Modern Slavery involves, how to recognize it, their duty to report and how to report.

Supply chain – Ellis Eggs will ensure they understand where products and services come from. They will check the web site of the companies they work with and read their Statements. If we find that individuals or companies in our supply chain are involved in Modern Slavery we will take appropriate action and report.