Our Nature

We practice ethical and sustainable farming; our core value is to own responsibility for our environment. We are heavily committed to recycling on all our farms. We currently have 11 family run farms in the Welsh countryside and they’re all BEIC and RSPCA certified. We’ve installed solar panels in our Packing Centre in order to be energy efficient.

We maintain collaborative relationships with our suppliers, for example we work with Lloyds Animal Feeds to reduce reliance on soya in feed.

Egg Waste – Currently the only way of removing our egg waste in our area is with a company who has a licence to incinerate the egg waste. We have recently found a company who can collect our egg waste regularly in liquid form, they transport it to their factory where they recycle liquid egg into dog food.

Our Ethos

We’re committed to growing our business while nurturing our environment. We have launched innovative products such as our Beeloved Farms brand which has a mission to create flourishing ecosystems complete with wildflowers and a thriving bee population on our farms. We provide our customers with products, which meet agreed standards of safety, quality and legality.
You can read our policy statement here ›

Our Transport

We do our best to keep emissions from our vans and trucks as low as possible. We work with local farms to keep the milage low, and pack the eggs in a central location to keep the distribution streamlined and efficient.

We will gradually replace our fleet with electric vehicles.

Our Factory

Solar panels have been installed on our roof. This renewable energy source helps us to reduce our energy bills by providing green electricity during daytime hours, lowering the demand we make on the grid. The panels also reduces the impact on the environment. The next step for this project is for us to install batteries to save the surplus energy for when weather conditions are not right to generate enough power.